Friday, October 18, 2019

Part 3 Applying Theory to Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Part 3 Applying Theory to Practice - Essay Example Gillaspie (2010) convey the depth of the problem by pointing that the delivery of effective pain management has become a pressing national issue in healthcare. Patients had a right to be managed for pain relief (Zalon, 2008). The problem of pain management has thereby been identified by me as my practice problem. The nursing profession has several theories by which the problems in patient care were managed. Similarly I would be employing a theory to execute effective pain management in my hospital. The theory would be logical for application and concurrent with observations made daily. It would similar to those previously used in successful programs. Past research would have supported this theory (Croyle, 2005). It would contain the highlights of the nursing profession. Foundations for nursing practice would be made. Patient care would be made better, professional growth would be enhanced, interpersonal communications among the nurses would be motivated for improvement, and guidance would evolve for education and research. The multidisciplinary approach to health care would be targeted. Criteria which improved the quality of care would continuously be identified. Middle range theories promoted nursing practice by helping to understand the behavior of the client, suggesting useful interventio ns and offering credible explanations for the efficacy of the interventions (Peterson & Bedrow, 2008). The practice theory could be built up from the critical reflection of experiences. The purpose of the paper is to identify a middle range theory for my selected practice problem of management of pain and then use a borrowed theory to manage the same symptom of pain. The more common reason for patients seeking help from nurses was pain. The unpleasant sensation could cause the patient to even lose consciousness. The overwhelming effect could produce long-term adversities (Peterson &

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