Friday, October 18, 2019

Ethical issues in Health Care Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ethical issues in Health Care Management - Essay Example The latter increasingly take into account what are the ethical norms within the healthcare institution, because ethical considerations affect the commercial and corporate world. Stakeholders seek to maximize the profit and return on their investments and that is why they are particularly concern of ethical codes being correctly applied. Avoiding negative social effects in healthcare management is an activity, which is open and socially responsible. Stakeholders aim to minimize the ethical issues in health institutions because this affects sustainability of the organizations and destroys the bond between the local community and the healthcare system there. Therefore, following strictly the chosen ethical code increases the community’s confidence in the healthcare and secures its population with greater tolerance, compassion, awareness and flexibility. Ethical codes in healthcare institutions posses substantial advantage for the heath corporation, because society can anticipate certain behaviour and create public ethical expectations. Such are very helpful to the stakeholders, who run financially the system and invest in its technological improvements, research and development. Ethical codes and law go hand in hand in healthcare management, and stakeholders have to be aware of unethical/unlawful actions being taken. An example where ethics and law clash is the dumping of patients, namely in the US, where the healthcare system and social and medicare is designed in a way that do not fully covers the ethical presumptions of health institutions. In such cases I believe, stakeholders have the take decisions, which are rather patient abiding, than law

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